Monday, January 6, 2014

a resolution

this year, i'm making a different kind of resolution. in years passed it's always consisted of something like "eat healthier", "no more soda", or "save more", and while those are fine and dandy, by february first i'm back in that taco bell drive through, ordering a dr.pepper, and spending money while there's perfectly good food at home. so this year, i am resolving to make no resolutions. obviously i am going to make an attempt at eating healthier, simply because that beautiful sleeping baby is going to start noticing what i'm putting in my body and i would like for her to have better habbits than the ones i've accumulated over the years. but when it's 6:30 in the evening and i'm crying at the ingredients that should be assembling themselves into an edible meal and she's crying because being a gassy baby is so not the stuff, i am going to get that taco with pride. or send my husband which is probably more accurate. point is, i'm going to not sweat the small stuff, in order to enjoy the small stuff. if liza decides that she's going to nap for thirty minutes versus two hours, i'm going to relish the fact that she spent those thirty minutes sleeping in the exact position i do. i'm going to not read those mommy comments on those baby sites and think that because i don't read my child 3 books a day she's never going to succeed. i'm going to rock her to sleep even though the books tell me not to, and cherish that beautiful smell she's got going on because i know one day i'll wake up and suddenly realize it hasn't been there in weeks. i'm going to do my best to cook dinners and budget wisely, but know that it's ok to fail at that every once in a while too. i'm going to go to bed every night thanking god for getting us through one more day. when i pay the bills and there's twenty dollars left i'm going to rejoice in the fact that we had twenty dollars more than we needed. i'm going to do what works for me and my family. more importantly, i'm not going to be overwhelmed with what others are thinking about it. and maybe, just maybe, i'll sit down and blog about it.

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