Monday, February 3, 2014

real talk.

this is what my kitchen look like at the moment. and most likely for the next handful of moments as well. 

i love reading blogs. seeing how other people express themselves fascinates me; in words, clothes, food, crafts, design, etc. however i often find myself thinking "they eat like kings and queens every.single.night!" or "this woman must not own yoga pants, or perhaps she only uses them in the 'yoga' sense". but i don't think gourmet, from scratch is on the menu every night, and i'm positive every woman on earth wears yoga pants without yoga-ing in them. not that the world would ever know, and not that there is a problem in that. i realize that i have posted multiple pictures of my perfectly fluffed couches and pristine kitchen. after all, who wants to see pictures of dirty kitchens like above? but here's the deal:

my kitchen is full of dishes 90% of the time. and not because i cook every night, but because i cook every three nights and they simply sit there between the appearances of chef sophie. 
and that's the truth.

and just for laughs...
yes, this really truly happened this morning. the jacket was also on and i had to wiggle out to go pop the trunk. happy monday!

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